It’s my impression that development NGOs accept having to do things like bribe corrupt policeman to use the roads as operating costs. This is how it is for scientists doing field work, at least, which is a world I know better. Knowing how and when to bribe is an important skill for people who travel in developing countries, and among those people it is generally viewed more like deferring to local custom and respecting that you a foreigner in their country than a sullying act of corruption.
It’s my impression that development NGOs accept having to do things like bribe corrupt policeman to use the roads as operating costs. This is how it is for scientists doing field work, at least, which is a world I know better. Knowing how and when to bribe is an important skill for people who travel in developing countries, and among those people it is generally viewed more like deferring to local custom and respecting that you a foreigner in their country than a sullying act of corruption.