In his recent podcast with Lex Fridman, Max Tegmark speculates that recurrent neural networks (RNNs) could be a source of consciousness (whereas the linear, feed-forward, architecture of the current dominant architecture of LLMs, isn’t). However, I’m not sure if this would help us or the AIs avoid doom, as the consciousnesses could have very negative valence (and so hate us for bringing them into being). And I think it’s very ethically fraught to experiment with trying to make digital consciousness.
In his recent podcast with Lex Fridman, Max Tegmark speculates that recurrent neural networks (RNNs) could be a source of consciousness (whereas the linear, feed-forward, architecture of the current dominant architecture of LLMs, isn’t). However, I’m not sure if this would help us or the AIs avoid doom, as the consciousnesses could have very negative valence (and so hate us for bringing them into being). And I think it’s very ethically fraught to experiment with trying to make digital consciousness.