The questions about diet before and after the change seem to be pushing people strongly into claiming to be or to have been some sort of vegetarian; the only option you have there that isn’t somehow anti-meat is “Other’, which requires typing.
A better version of this question would have a no-dietary-restrictions option first, and a few options that aren’t animal-welfare related like “low carb” and “Mediterranean”.
Yeah that seems right, I think it would not be too bad as they would not be shown the options until having already reported changing their diet, but it would be worth adding more options as you describe.
The questions about diet before and after the change seem to be pushing people strongly into claiming to be or to have been some sort of vegetarian; the only option you have there that isn’t somehow anti-meat is “Other’, which requires typing.
A better version of this question would have a no-dietary-restrictions option first, and a few options that aren’t animal-welfare related like “low carb” and “Mediterranean”.
Yeah that seems right, I think it would not be too bad as they would not be shown the options until having already reported changing their diet, but it would be worth adding more options as you describe.