Mathematical Models of Social Evolution—McElreath and Boyd
Intentional Stance—Dennett
Darwin Dangerous Idea—Dennett
Good and Real—Drescher
Mortals and Others—Russell
Proposed Roads to Freedom—Russell
Autobiography—Bertrand Russell
Bonobo Handshake—Vanessa Woods
La Grammatologie—Derrida (this one was influential for how terribly innefective and non-
altruist it is, which made me have an alarm for useless philosophy)
Is Personal Identity What Matters? - Derek Parfit (made me realize that there is as much reason to care about you, reading this, as there is to care about retired me, and it’s just cheaper to help others, far.)
What are the best books related to altruism that you have seen? Which books mostly influenced your thinking as an EA?
Moral Tribes—Joshua Greene
Better Angels of Our Nature—Pinker
Mathematical Models of Social Evolution—McElreath and Boyd
Intentional Stance—Dennett
Darwin Dangerous Idea—Dennett
Good and Real—Drescher
Mortals and Others—Russell
Proposed Roads to Freedom—Russell
Autobiography—Bertrand Russell
Bonobo Handshake—Vanessa Woods
La Grammatologie—Derrida (this one was influential for how terribly innefective and non- altruist it is, which made me have an alarm for useless philosophy)
Is Personal Identity What Matters? - Derek Parfit (made me realize that there is as much reason to care about you, reading this, as there is to care about retired me, and it’s just cheaper to help others, far.)