I think this is a great idea (needs exceptional execution to succeed however), if done well it could tie into CEA’s current project of creating more cause-area specific groups.
In both fields I worked (European AI policy and now international aid policy) I have benefited greatly from informal groups and networks. Some of the most valuable connections I have made have come almost through pure coincidence, which suggests there is room for improvement.
I’ve already succeeded in running this type of events multiple times. I don’t think just anyone can do it. You need the right kind of attention to details. But if the funding is there, I don’t think finding the right person to run it will be a problem.
I think this is a great idea (needs exceptional execution to succeed however), if done well it could tie into CEA’s current project of creating more cause-area specific groups.
In both fields I worked (European AI policy and now international aid policy) I have benefited greatly from informal groups and networks. Some of the most valuable connections I have made have come almost through pure coincidence, which suggests there is room for improvement.
I’ve already succeeded in running this type of events multiple times. I don’t think just anyone can do it. You need the right kind of attention to details. But if the funding is there, I don’t think finding the right person to run it will be a problem.