Thanks for this post! I found it valuable and I agree it’s important for people to learn and think about IBCs for their cause prioritization, but I’m just unsure how much time one should do so. I also agree that more educational and easy to consume content of the concepts above would be helpful. I would particularly like to see more digestible EA video or audio content on population ethics, cluelessness, and s-risks, in that order, as those are the ones on your list that are still hard to grasp or explain for me.
I’m someone who is still unsure on which causes to prioritize for myself and for advocating to others. My current strategy is to just use worldview diversification, and try to contribute to the main causes you mentioned through my community building. I also want to learn more about these different causes and a few of the IBCs you put that I’m not yet familiar with.
I’ll note that I think this list and article is missing the important IBC of worldview diversification. I think a lot of people, especially community builders maybe, end up just hedging their bets and try to contribute to or advocate for multiple causes.
Also, I’m a bit surprised you put movement building as separate to the other causes. Even for those that do movement building (like me), we would still think a lot on which of the EA causes should we do more advocacy/movement building in than others. I don’t think movement building is really a cause, but more of an intervention to improve one of the other causes/worldviews.
Thanks for this post! I found it valuable and I agree it’s important for people to learn and think about IBCs for their cause prioritization, but I’m just unsure how much time one should do so. I also agree that more educational and easy to consume content of the concepts above would be helpful. I would particularly like to see more digestible EA video or audio content on population ethics, cluelessness, and s-risks, in that order, as those are the ones on your list that are still hard to grasp or explain for me.
I’m someone who is still unsure on which causes to prioritize for myself and for advocating to others. My current strategy is to just use worldview diversification, and try to contribute to the main causes you mentioned through my community building. I also want to learn more about these different causes and a few of the IBCs you put that I’m not yet familiar with.
I’ll note that I think this list and article is missing the important IBC of worldview diversification. I think a lot of people, especially community builders maybe, end up just hedging their bets and try to contribute to or advocate for multiple causes.
Also, I’m a bit surprised you put movement building as separate to the other causes. Even for those that do movement building (like me), we would still think a lot on which of the EA causes should we do more advocacy/movement building in than others. I don’t think movement building is really a cause, but more of an intervention to improve one of the other causes/worldviews.