Some things that I might come to regret about my comment:
I think it’s plausible that it’s bad for me to refer to disagreeing with arguments without explaining why.
I’ve realized that some commenters might not have seen these arguments before, which makes me think that there is more of an opportunity for me to explain why I think these arguments are wrong. (EDIT I’m less worried about this now, because other commenters have weighed in making most of the object-level criticisms I would have made.)
I was not very transparent about my goal with this comment, which is generally a bad sign. My main goal was to argue that posts like this are a kind of unhealthy way of engaging with EA, and that readers should be more inclined to respond with “so why aren’t you doing anything” when they read such criticisms.
Some things that I might come to regret about my comment:
I think it’s plausible that it’s bad for me to refer to disagreeing with arguments without explaining why.
I’ve realized that some commenters might not have seen these arguments before, which makes me think that there is more of an opportunity for me to explain why I think these arguments are wrong. (EDIT I’m less worried about this now, because other commenters have weighed in making most of the object-level criticisms I would have made.)
I was not very transparent about my goal with this comment, which is generally a bad sign. My main goal was to argue that posts like this are a kind of unhealthy way of engaging with EA, and that readers should be more inclined to respond with “so why aren’t you doing anything” when they read such criticisms.
Fwiw I think there was an acknowledgement of soft power missing.