Some EAs cheered for the Dylan Matthews Vox article that prompted the tweet I linked to above, presumably because they agree with Matthews. But finding a reporter to broadcast your criticisms of the EA movement to a huge readership in order to gain leverage and give your cause more movement mindshare is a terrible defect/​defect equilibrium.
Matthews is an EA, and identifies as one in that piece. This wasn’t about finding someone to broadcast things, this was someone within the movement trying to shape it.
(I do agree with you that we shouldn’t be trying to enlist the greater public to take sides in internal disagreements over cause prioritization within EA.)
Matthews is an EA, and identifies as one in that piece. This wasn’t about finding someone to broadcast things, this was someone within the movement trying to shape it.
(I do agree with you that we shouldn’t be trying to enlist the greater public to take sides in internal disagreements over cause prioritization within EA.)