Thank you for your incredibly hard work here, I know I argued it was a mistake an additional week, but I want to emphasise that I’m nonetheless really glad that you published this post.
In particular, there are certain claims that I think it was very important for the EA community to have been made aware of and to have the opportunity to deal with. I also hope that the publishing of these claims allows Alice and Chloe to move forward without fear.
Thank you for your incredibly hard work here, I know I argued it was a mistake an additional week, but I want to emphasise that I’m nonetheless really glad that you published this post.
In particular, there are certain claims that I think it was very important for the EA community to have been made aware of and to have the opportunity to deal with. I also hope that the publishing of these claims allows Alice and Chloe to move forward without fear.
Disclaimer: Previously interned at Non-Linear.