I am not a decision-maker in the cause prioritization or of any importance as a pundit within the EA community. That said, I hope your work gets some notice.
I vaguely remember a plan published as a Nature article or something back in the 1990′s when I interned at Scripps. The plan was to create wide areas of nature reserves across the US, with protected corridors for migration between them. All large-scale conservation plans differ in how much land or ocean area should be protected and how to draw the area boundaries. I was not studying biology or I would have known the history of such plans, that is, how long they have been around for,but they have been around for at least 30 years, anyway.
Difficulties with ecosystem protection boil down to societal response to conservation of land or ocean habitats or species. Whenever humans compete with nature for any ecosystem resource, nature loses.
Root causes for our resource conflicts with nature include:
our population size
our resource consumption
our pollution or garbage production
Solutions for those causes include:
family planning globally but especially in developed countries (1 child per family)
shift from private luxury goods to public luxury goods (or other means to reduce per capita resource consumption in the developed world)
any and all measures to reduce pollution production (for example, shifting externalities back onto packaging makers, taxing pollution, paying consumers for recycling or garbage, public education on ails of pollution, outlawing some materials uses in industry, heavily regulating the make-up and skin care industries, discouraging planned obsolescence, disallowing marketing to children, disallowing food, pharma, and make-up advertising, removing industry lobbyists from politics, etc )
At whatever level of detail, solutions to those root causes are boring and frustrating because of stagnating efforts to implement them and the extreme changes that they can require.
I am not a decision-maker in the cause prioritization or of any importance as a pundit within the EA community. That said, I hope your work gets some notice.
I vaguely remember a plan published as a Nature article or something back in the 1990′s when I interned at Scripps. The plan was to create wide areas of nature reserves across the US, with protected corridors for migration between them. All large-scale conservation plans differ in how much land or ocean area should be protected and how to draw the area boundaries. I was not studying biology or I would have known the history of such plans, that is, how long they have been around for,but they have been around for at least 30 years, anyway.
Difficulties with ecosystem protection boil down to societal response to conservation of land or ocean habitats or species. Whenever humans compete with nature for any ecosystem resource, nature loses.
Root causes for our resource conflicts with nature include:
our population size
our resource consumption
our pollution or garbage production
Solutions for those causes include:
family planning globally but especially in developed countries (1 child per family)
shift from private luxury goods to public luxury goods (or other means to reduce per capita resource consumption in the developed world)
any and all measures to reduce pollution production (for example, shifting externalities back onto packaging makers, taxing pollution, paying consumers for recycling or garbage, public education on ails of pollution, outlawing some materials uses in industry, heavily regulating the make-up and skin care industries, discouraging planned obsolescence, disallowing marketing to children, disallowing food, pharma, and make-up advertising, removing industry lobbyists from politics, etc )
At whatever level of detail, solutions to those root causes are boring and frustrating because of stagnating efforts to implement them and the extreme changes that they can require.