Thanks for writing this up! It’s useful to see your schedule—you do make it look really easy.
Just a note that asking people if they’re more motivated/community-oriented than a couple hours previous doesn’t normally work very well, for a lot of reasons. The most obvious reason is that it’s really hard to remember how motivated you used to be. Also, people will lie to please you. So I would put more weight on the question asking about specific actions. I’m still glad you provided the information you have—it looks like your community found the event pretty useful!
Thanks for writing this up! It’s useful to see your schedule—you do make it look really easy.
Just a note that asking people if they’re more motivated/community-oriented than a couple hours previous doesn’t normally work very well, for a lot of reasons. The most obvious reason is that it’s really hard to remember how motivated you used to be. Also, people will lie to please you. So I would put more weight on the question asking about specific actions. I’m still glad you provided the information you have—it looks like your community found the event pretty useful!