Hey Forum,
Some really talented people and I have recently been working on a nonprofit in Denmark. I have decided to document the process on my personal blog, and I invite you to check it out.
Most of the writings are going to be very basic for most of you guys here, as it really is intended for a non-EA audience, but it might still be interesting to take a look behind the scenes.
Hi Rasmus,
This seems fantastic, both for doing the work itself and sharing it!
I know someone who built multiple orgs, based on this, startups seem to be a dizzying mess, basically you need to do everything at 1000% quality (e.g. early hires and strategic decisions) and have 1000% more tasks than time/energy to do.
This makes writing about the process difficult (it’s a surreal situation where it’s hard to know what reality is, writing itself can create ideas and structures that may not be Truth).
It’s impressive that you are writing about it!
Now, I’m writing this comment because of what you said here:
I don’t know what this means, or more honestly, I disagree with it.
Even if someone has seen 100 startups, they would still benefit from learning about your instance of startup and your experiences, especially shared honestly as you seem to.
Also, in your post you say:
It’s not clear why the EA community would have advanced skills for building startups, non-profits, MVPs or teams.
Really, I’m saying is that it could be the opposite, this knowledge is new and valuable (if so, an easy read would be particularly valuable).
(But maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m misrepresenting your views, and maybe someone else reading this will correct me.)
Thanks for your great post!
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the encouraging comment and the kind words - made my day.
I was really in doubt about whether to post here. I think seeing a lot of the advanced discussions in this forum has left me with a great deal of imposter syndrome, so it means a lot.