This may be a silly question but I have been thinking quite a bit about exactly some of the points you brought up in your piece above due to a recent expansion of my EA Communication Organization requiring me to take on my own assistant.
I am curious, would you recommend finding a part-time assistant for other people involved in EA who recognize that their work could become significantly more effective with even a part-time assistant? I am thinking of how often I see responses like “So sorry for the long response, I want to prioritize this and dropped the ball on responding because I have been so busy with {x responsbility}...”
Given how opportunity distribution works, there is a connection between the importance of work and the effectiveness of the specific individual at said work and the number of opportunities they are presented with. Do you think this creates a condition where many EA’s who are doing well at what they are aiming to do ought to have more readily available access to for example part time assistants?
I am sorry, but I don’t know enough about working with an assistant to know in which cases a part-time arrangement might make sense. It is the first time that I will be working with an assistant.
Hi Max,
This may be a silly question but I have been thinking quite a bit about exactly some of the points you brought up in your piece above due to a recent expansion of my EA Communication Organization requiring me to take on my own assistant.
I am curious, would you recommend finding a part-time assistant for other people involved in EA who recognize that their work could become significantly more effective with even a part-time assistant? I am thinking of how often I see responses like “So sorry for the long response, I want to prioritize this and dropped the ball on responding because I have been so busy with {x responsbility}...”
Given how opportunity distribution works, there is a connection between the importance of work and the effectiveness of the specific individual at said work and the number of opportunities they are presented with. Do you think this creates a condition where many EA’s who are doing well at what they are aiming to do ought to have more readily available access to for example part time assistants?
I am sorry, but I don’t know enough about working with an assistant to know in which cases a part-time arrangement might make sense. It is the first time that I will be working with an assistant.