Are you coordinating with FLI and FHI to have some division of labor?
We are in regular contact with both FLI & FHI. FHI is more philosophical than GCRI. The most basic division of labor there is for FHI to develop fundamental theory and GCRI to make the ideas more applied. But this is a bit of a simplication, and the coordination there is informal. With FLI, I can’t yet point to any conceptual division of labor, but we’re certainly in touch. Actually I was just spending time with Max Tegmark over the weekend in NYC, and we had some nice conversations about that.
What would you identify GCRI’s main comparative advantage?
GCRI comes from the world of risk analysis. Tony Barrett and I (GCRI’s co-founders) met at a Society for Risk Analysis conference. So at the core of GCRI’s identity and skill set is rigorous risk analysis and risk management methodology. We’re also good at synthesizing insights across disciplines and across risks, as in our integrated assessment, and at developing practical risk reduction interventions. Other people and other groups may also be good at some of this, but these are some of our strengths.
Hey Seth,
Are you coordinating with FLI and FHI to have some division of labor? What would you identify GCRI’s main comparative advantage?
Best, Ales
Hi Ales,
We are in regular contact with both FLI & FHI. FHI is more philosophical than GCRI. The most basic division of labor there is for FHI to develop fundamental theory and GCRI to make the ideas more applied. But this is a bit of a simplication, and the coordination there is informal. With FLI, I can’t yet point to any conceptual division of labor, but we’re certainly in touch. Actually I was just spending time with Max Tegmark over the weekend in NYC, and we had some nice conversations about that.
GCRI comes from the world of risk analysis. Tony Barrett and I (GCRI’s co-founders) met at a Society for Risk Analysis conference. So at the core of GCRI’s identity and skill set is rigorous risk analysis and risk management methodology. We’re also good at synthesizing insights across disciplines and across risks, as in our integrated assessment, and at developing practical risk reduction interventions. Other people and other groups may also be good at some of this, but these are some of our strengths.