Thanks David, that’s just the kind of reply I was hoping for! Those three goals do seem to me like three of the most important. It might be worth adding that context to your write-up.
I’m curious whether there’s much you did specifically to achieve your third goal—inspiring people to take action based on high quality reasoning—beyond just running an event where people might talk to others who are doing that. I wouldn’t expect so, but I’d be interested there was.
We did encourage speakers to include action points and action-relevant information in their content, and tried to prioritise action-relevant workshops (e.g. “what it takes to found a charity”); I think that’s about all. Thanks for the tip to include the goals in the write-up.
Thanks David, that’s just the kind of reply I was hoping for! Those three goals do seem to me like three of the most important. It might be worth adding that context to your write-up.
I’m curious whether there’s much you did specifically to achieve your third goal—inspiring people to take action based on high quality reasoning—beyond just running an event where people might talk to others who are doing that. I wouldn’t expect so, but I’d be interested there was.
We did encourage speakers to include action points and action-relevant information in their content, and tried to prioritise action-relevant workshops (e.g. “what it takes to found a charity”); I think that’s about all. Thanks for the tip to include the goals in the write-up.