Ah yes thanks for pointing that out! That sentence is there because we literally copied it from the report executive summary (so in that case it is below). It’s a fair point though so will change that to reflect it not actually being below.
I chose to not put the whole report on the forum just because it’s so long (62 pages) and I was worried it would (a) put people off reading anything at all, (b) take me longer than what was reasonable to get all the formatting right and (c) provide a worse reading experience given it was all formatted for PDF/Google Docs (and that I wasn’t going to spend loads of time formatting it perfectly).
Curious though—would you prefer to read / find it easier if it was all on the Forum, or what would be your preferred reading location for longer reports?
62 pages is quite long—I understand then why you wouldn’t put it on the forum.
I really dislike reading PDFs, as I read most non work things on mobile, and on Chrome based web browsers they don’t open in browser tabs, which is where I store everything else I want to read.
I think I’d prefer some web based presentation, ideally with something like one web page per chapter/ large section. I don’t know if this is representative of others though.
Ah yes thanks for pointing that out! That sentence is there because we literally copied it from the report executive summary (so in that case it is below). It’s a fair point though so will change that to reflect it not actually being below.
I chose to not put the whole report on the forum just because it’s so long (62 pages) and I was worried it would (a) put people off reading anything at all, (b) take me longer than what was reasonable to get all the formatting right and (c) provide a worse reading experience given it was all formatted for PDF/Google Docs (and that I wasn’t going to spend loads of time formatting it perfectly).
Curious though—would you prefer to read / find it easier if it was all on the Forum, or what would be your preferred reading location for longer reports?
62 pages is quite long—I understand then why you wouldn’t put it on the forum.
I really dislike reading PDFs, as I read most non work things on mobile, and on Chrome based web browsers they don’t open in browser tabs, which is where I store everything else I want to read.
I think I’d prefer some web based presentation, ideally with something like one web page per chapter/ large section. I don’t know if this is representative of others though.
I’ve made a Google Doc version if this is better—thanks for the feedback, it’s been very useful!