Very pleased to see this write up and hear the many valuable things Rethink Priorities is working on. I’ll just comment one part. Seeing as you said you wanted to look into mental health and metrics for well-being, I should mention previous and current work done in this area.
Very pleased to see this write up and hear the many valuable things Rethink Priorities is working on. I’ll just comment one part. Seeing as you said you wanted to look into mental health and metrics for well-being, I should mention previous and current work done in this area.
Last month I put up a (lengthy) post, Happiness Manifesto: Why and How Effective Altruism Should Rethink its Approach to Maximsing Human Welfare, which discusses such issues in some detail. I’m now in the process of, with some others, starting an organisation to look into this, and would be very pleased to work with Rethink on this (particularly to avoid an unnecessary duplication of effort!). Sindy Li discussed issues with DALYs back on March 2017. I raised those same concerns, claiming EA was overlooking mental health and happiness (indeed referening the same study, Dolan and Metcalfe 2012), in June 2016.