Sounds interesting Oscar, though I wonder what reference class you’d use … all protests? A unique feature of AI protests is that many AI researchers are themselves protesting. If we are comparing groups on epistemics, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (founded by Manhattan Project scientists) might be a closer comparison than GM protestors (who were led by Greenpeace, farmers etc., not people working in biotech). I also agree that considering inside-view arguments about AI risk are important.
Sounds interesting Oscar, though I wonder what reference class you’d use … all protests? A unique feature of AI protests is that many AI researchers are themselves protesting. If we are comparing groups on epistemics, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (founded by Manhattan Project scientists) might be a closer comparison than GM protestors (who were led by Greenpeace, farmers etc., not people working in biotech). I also agree that considering inside-view arguments about AI risk are important.