EA NYC Community Health Workshop: Burnout

*Please complete registration on eventbrite to receive location and final details: https://​​www.eventbrite.com/​​e/​​439166598117 *

Drawing from her experience as a social worker, Megan Nelson will discuss how burnout endangers our ability to do the most good. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn and apply practical skills to identify and alleviate burnout.

Megan is the Community Health Coordinator for Effective Altruism NYC and a licensed master social worker in New York State. She advises the EA NYC group organizers on sustainable community growth, and is available as a point-person for those who have concerns related to the NYC EA community.

You can contact Megan at <megan@effectivealtruism.nyc> or anonymously through this form: https://​​docs.google.com/​​.../​​1FAIpQLSerQKtoQULEju.../​​viewform


EA NYC Events
Please find all EA NYC event information—including our Code of Conduct, food policy, Covid policy, and information on past and future events—here on our website: https://​​www.effectivealtruism.nyc/​​events

For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*.

Location:- To be announced.