I don’t understand why this is being downvoted. I’m reading the SSC post now and haven’t read all, but I agree this should be explored more. Consider hypnosis—there are anecdotal reports it can be used to get rid of pain. I sorta doubt how far hypnosis can go to eliminate pain but it appears understudied and if it’s true it can really eliminate major pain and if hypnosis (either self or administered) could be systematized and delivered at scale, it would could revolutionize how we treat pain.
At the very least, we already know psychological treatments already work for some conditions involving chronic pain like CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia, but they are underutilized. Patient groups resist these treatments, because of the stigma around mental illness and confusions about the mind-body connection. CBT combined with graded exercise therapy is the only intervention for CFS/ME with multiple RCTs backing it up. It stands to reason that CBT (or similar interventions like DBT / third wave CBT) may be helpful for other chronic conditions which are medically unexplained and for which no good treatments exist.
I downvoted it because it seemed too off-topic and promotional, kind of spammy. I had strong downvoted it, but I just switched that to a regular downvote, since I now think that’s too harsh and I typically avoid strong downvoting anything I wouldn’t report. The author made similarly off-topic and promotional comments on other posts.
I don’t understand why this is being downvoted. I’m reading the SSC post now and haven’t read all, but I agree this should be explored more. Consider hypnosis—there are anecdotal reports it can be used to get rid of pain. I sorta doubt how far hypnosis can go to eliminate pain but it appears understudied and if it’s true it can really eliminate major pain and if hypnosis (either self or administered) could be systematized and delivered at scale, it would could revolutionize how we treat pain.
At the very least, we already know psychological treatments already work for some conditions involving chronic pain like CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia, but they are underutilized. Patient groups resist these treatments, because of the stigma around mental illness and confusions about the mind-body connection. CBT combined with graded exercise therapy is the only intervention for CFS/ME with multiple RCTs backing it up. It stands to reason that CBT (or similar interventions like DBT / third wave CBT) may be helpful for other chronic conditions which are medically unexplained and for which no good treatments exist.
I downvoted it because it seemed too off-topic and promotional, kind of spammy. I had strong downvoted it, but I just switched that to a regular downvote, since I now think that’s too harsh and I typically avoid strong downvoting anything I wouldn’t report. The author made similarly off-topic and promotional comments on other posts.
Their post on the topic was not well-received on the forum, and it seems they’ve been trying to promote their work on others’ only tangentially related posts: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/rdExzZJhge4PFzDki/ea-and-the-chronic-pain-problem-solution