We will discuss a report called “Our Common Agenda” that was released by the UN in September 2021. It explicitly uses longtermist language and concepts, and suggests concrete proposals for institutions to represent future generations and manage catastrophic and existential risks.
EA Anywhere Discussion: Our Common Agenda
We will discuss a report called “Our Common Agenda” that was released by the UN in September 2021. It explicitly uses longtermist language and concepts, and suggests concrete proposals for institutions to represent future generations and manage catastrophic and existential risks.
As a preparation, please read this summary of the report: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Fwu2SLKeM5h5v95ww/major-un-report-discusses-existential-risk-and-future
Our agenda:
6 pm UTC: Quick summary of the report
6:15 pm UTC: Introductions and discussion!