Yes, I was referring to finite lived agents, which does start to get away from what the representative agent framework can handle.
To your technical point—if the real interest rate were negative, couldn’t an infinitely lived agent be able to still satisfy transversality? If there’s no productive use of additional capital at the margin, and a shitty storage technology, that would be the case. And, endogenously, a super-saving society that only wanted to throw a party at infinity might start running into that problem fast.
Yes, I was referring to finite lived agents, which does start to get away from what the representative agent framework can handle.
To your technical point—if the real interest rate were negative, couldn’t an infinitely lived agent be able to still satisfy transversality? If there’s no productive use of additional capital at the margin, and a shitty storage technology, that would be the case. And, endogenously, a super-saving society that only wanted to throw a party at infinity might start running into that problem fast.