Really appreciate you taking the time to write this up! My initial reaction is that the central point about mindset-shifting seems really right.
My proposal is to explicitly talk about two kinds of EA (these may need catchier names)
It seems (to me) “low-level” and “high-level” could read as value-laden in a way that might make people practicing “low-level” EA (especially in cause areas not already embraced by lots of other EAs) feel like they’re not viewed as “real” EAs and so work at cross-purposes with the tent-broadening goal of the proposal. Quick brainstorm of terms that make some kind of descriptive distinction instead:
cause-blind EA vs. cause-specific or cause-limited EA
Really appreciate you taking the time to write this up! My initial reaction is that the central point about mindset-shifting seems really right.
It seems (to me) “low-level” and “high-level” could read as value-laden in a way that might make people practicing “low-level” EA (especially in cause areas not already embraced by lots of other EAs) feel like they’re not viewed as “real” EAs and so work at cross-purposes with the tent-broadening goal of the proposal. Quick brainstorm of terms that make some kind of descriptive distinction instead:
cause-blind EA vs. cause-specific or cause-limited EA
broad EA vs. narrow EA
inter-cause vs. intra-cause
(Thoughts/views only my own, not my employer’s.)
“General vs. specific” could also be one
Hmm, maybe
Global EA vs local EA
Total EA vs focused EA