Hey Alix! Thanks so much for the post, it’s an amazing recount of all the information about the state of AI regulation, and I appreciate it a lot!
I really want to make an easy-to-use website for people that aren’t familiar with AI safety to understand the state of AI regulation (something like the regulation tracker you linked but with another user in mind). Would you mind if I used the information from this post for this? I’ll be sure to link everything and give you credits :)
Also, I’d love to be able to meet up to chat about this a bit more!! :) Let me know
Hey Alix! Thanks so much for the post, it’s an amazing recount of all the information about the state of AI regulation, and I appreciate it a lot!
I really want to make an easy-to-use website for people that aren’t familiar with AI safety to understand the state of AI regulation (something like the regulation tracker you linked but with another user in mind). Would you mind if I used the information from this post for this? I’ll be sure to link everything and give you credits :)
Also, I’d love to be able to meet up to chat about this a bit more!! :) Let me know