Has there been A/B testing of the messaging for the book launches? It’d be a huge missed opportunity if, for example, the books hammer on the standard drowning child thought experiment type opportunity cost arguments if an excited altruism perspective turns out to be more effective for getting people to actually take action. (For example, the entire last chapter of Martin Seligman’s book Learned Optimism is basically about how being altruistic makes people happier. He analogizes donating to charity and volunteering to “moral jogging”—somewhat unpleasant in the short run but good for your happiness in the long run.)
Has there been A/B testing of the messaging for the book launches? It’d be a huge missed opportunity if, for example, the books hammer on the standard drowning child thought experiment type opportunity cost arguments if an excited altruism perspective turns out to be more effective for getting people to actually take action. (For example, the entire last chapter of Martin Seligman’s book Learned Optimism is basically about how being altruistic makes people happier. He analogizes donating to charity and volunteering to “moral jogging”—somewhat unpleasant in the short run but good for your happiness in the long run.)