The other alternatives; of trying to construct a cause-neutral parallel to GWWC, preferably before the books launch, or a status quo devoid of a central hub new EAs can go to; are far from ideal either. Yet the former is not hopeless (c.f. Tom et al.’s work on a donation registry), and a community norm about giving could propagate without a centralized group (and perhaps we should fear a single EA group becoming too central to the movement). I’d prefer either to this.
I agree, and the EA donation registry looks like a fine place for people to declare cause-neutral pledges already if they’d like to. If we thought having something with a predefined pledge (eg of 10%) was better, then it wouldn’t be too hard to create a way for people to sign up for that—for example, creating a Google Form which people could complete would get you a decent way there. It doesn’t seem to require a centralised group to manage this.
I agree, and the EA donation registry looks like a fine place for people to declare cause-neutral pledges already if they’d like to. If we thought having something with a predefined pledge (eg of 10%) was better, then it wouldn’t be too hard to create a way for people to sign up for that—for example, creating a Google Form which people could complete would get you a decent way there. It doesn’t seem to require a centralised group to manage this.