If our interests are qualitatively the same, it doesn’t matter to what extent we weigh their interest. We are achieving it by pursuing our own: health, wealth, happiness.
Perhaps if you feel otherwise, it’s because you feel we are mortgaging our future for the present? I don’t think that is true, generally. Climate change, national debt, insolvent pensions....all are tractable problems we’re either a) solving now and/or, b) are sufficiently incentivized to solve for.
If our interests are qualitatively the same, it doesn’t matter to what extent we weigh their interest. We are achieving it by pursuing our own: health, wealth, happiness.
Perhaps if you feel otherwise, it’s because you feel we are mortgaging our future for the present? I don’t think that is true, generally. Climate change, national debt, insolvent pensions....all are tractable problems we’re either a) solving now and/or, b) are sufficiently incentivized to solve for.