EA for Jews—Program Update, Learn More Sept 4th

TL;DR: EA for Jews has hired our first Managing Director and we are launching two programs: (1) an EA and Judaism Intro Fellowship that explores the intersection of EA and Jewish tradition and (2) a Friday Night Dinner program that provides space to build community and learn about EA. Meet our new managing director and learn about our programs at a virtual talk on Sunday, Sept. 4th at 2PM eastern time (zoom link; calendar link in your timezone).


Effective Altruism for Jews is a global community of Jews coming together to help tackle the world’s most pressing problems effectively and share EA ideas within our Jewish communities. We are excited to announce that we received an EA Infrastructure Fund grant and have hired Hillel Ehrenreich to work as our Managing Director. You can meet Hillel at a virtual event on Sunday, Sept. 4th at 2PM eastern time (zoom link; calendar link in your timezone). At that event we will also discuss the two programs we plan to launch in the next few months and how you can participate!

Upcoming programs

We are excited to announce the launch of two programs!:

  1. An EA and Judaism Intro fellowship. We are launching an intro fellowship (like those CEA produces) which explores the ideas of effective altruism through a Jewish lens. If you are interested in the intersection of EA and Jewish tradition, you can learn more and apply to join the fellowship as a participant here, or apply to serve as a facilitator for a fellowship cohort here.

  2. Friday Night Dinner program. We plan to develop materials and train hosts to introduce EA ideas to guests and build community over a shabbat meal. If you would be interested in either hosting or attending an EA-themed shabbat dinner, you can let us know here.

More about EA for Jews’ organizational objectives and mission and how you can get involved

EA for Jews has two key objectives:

  • Share EA ideas with the broader Jewish community: we think there are lots of connections between EA and Judaism and we observe that many Jews are already involved. We want to contribute to more people getting involved in EA by reaching out to synagogues, student groups, and other Jewish communities.

  • Create a community and network of Jewish EAs: we hope that EA for Jews will help the many Jews of all backgrounds already involved in EA to have a stronger sense of community, develop helpful connections, and stay more engaged with EA as a whole.

Ways you can help

(1) Apply for the EA and Judaism Intro Fellowship (here), spread the word to your friends, or apply to serve as a facilitator (here)

We plan to have several cohorts of people participating in a reading group exploring the connections and tensions between EA and Judaism. No matter your background in either EA or Judaism, if this sounds interesting to you, we would love to have you join! (Application here.) You can help spread the word to others who might be interested by telling your friends and sharing our social media posts and other promotional materials. If you have a connection with a Jewish organization that can help promote our fellowship (such as your synagogue, campus Hillel, or study program) let us know on this spreadsheet. We are also looking for facilitators who can help lead a cohort of fellows toward a good exchange of ideas. You can lead a group either in person within your own community or online (application here).

(2) Host an EA-themed Friday Night Dinner program (fill out this form)

Receive funding to host your friends, university group, or synagogue members for an EA-themed shabbat dinner. We will provide materials for hosts to introduce EA ideas, build community, and create stimulating conversations.

(3) Assist with the development and execution of our two priority programs (fill out this form)

Each of the priority projects is a group effort led by our Managing Director and assisted by our volunteers. If you would like to help with the design of the programs, their advertising, or any other aspect, let us know!

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