I also think orgs generally should have donor diversity and more independence, so giving more funding to the orgs that OP funds is sometimes good.
I’d be curious to hear more about this—naively, if I’m funding an org, and then OpenPhil stops funding that org, that’s a fairly strong signal to me that I should also stop funding it, knowing nothing more. (since it implies OpenPhil put in enough effort to evaluate the org, and decided to deviate from the path of least resistance)
Agreed re funding things without a track record, that seems clearly good for small donors to do, eg funding people to do independent research or start a small new research group, if you believe they’re promising
I’d be curious to hear more about this—naively, if I’m funding an org, and then OpenPhil stops funding that org, that’s a fairly strong signal to me that I should also stop funding it, knowing nothing more. (since it implies OpenPhil put in enough effort to evaluate the org, and decided to deviate from the path of least resistance)
Agreed re funding things without a track record, that seems clearly good for small donors to do, eg funding people to do independent research or start a small new research group, if you believe they’re promising