In the conversations I had with them, they very clearly understood the charges against him and what he’d done. The issue was they were completely unable to pass judgment on him as a person.
This is a good trait 95% of the time. Most people are too quick to pass judgment. This is especially true because 95% of people pass judgment based on vibes like “Bob seems weird and creepy” instead of concrete actions like “Bob has been fired from 3 of his last 4 jobs for theft”.
However, the fact of the matter is some people are bad. For example, Adolf Hitler was clearly a bad person. Bob probably isn’t very honest. Sam Altman’s behavior is mostly motivated by a desire for money and power. This is true even if Sam Altman has somehow tricked himself into thinking his actions are good. Regardless of his internal monologue he’s still acting to maximize his money and power.
EAs often have trouble going “Yup, that’s a bad person” when they see someone who’s very blatantly a bad person.
In the conversations I had with them, they very clearly understood the charges against him and what he’d done. The issue was they were completely unable to pass judgment on him as a person.
This is a good trait 95% of the time. Most people are too quick to pass judgment. This is especially true because 95% of people pass judgment based on vibes like “Bob seems weird and creepy” instead of concrete actions like “Bob has been fired from 3 of his last 4 jobs for theft”.
However, the fact of the matter is some people are bad. For example, Adolf Hitler was clearly a bad person. Bob probably isn’t very honest. Sam Altman’s behavior is mostly motivated by a desire for money and power. This is true even if Sam Altman has somehow tricked himself into thinking his actions are good. Regardless of his internal monologue he’s still acting to maximize his money and power.
EAs often have trouble going “Yup, that’s a bad person” when they see someone who’s very blatantly a bad person.