Yes and reading this again now I think I was way too harsh. I should have been more positive about what was obviously an earnest concern and desire to help even if I don’t think it’s going to work out. A better response would have been to suggest other ideas to help but other than reforming how medical practice works so mental suffering isn’t treated as less important than being physically debilitated (docs will agree to risky procedures to avoid physical loss of function but won’t with mental illness …likely because the family doesn’t see the suffering from the inside but do see the loss in a death so are liable to sue/complain if things go bad).
Yes and reading this again now I think I was way too harsh. I should have been more positive about what was obviously an earnest concern and desire to help even if I don’t think it’s going to work out. A better response would have been to suggest other ideas to help but other than reforming how medical practice works so mental suffering isn’t treated as less important than being physically debilitated (docs will agree to risky procedures to avoid physical loss of function but won’t with mental illness …likely because the family doesn’t see the suffering from the inside but do see the loss in a death so are liable to sue/complain if things go bad).