“TisBest Redefine Gifting Giveaway” is an upcoming $2,000,000+ counterfactual free-money-for-charity opportunity with a limit of $50/person: https://www.tisbest.org/redefinegifting/
I’d estimate that ~100-300 people participated last year on behalf of EA nonprofits, counterfactually directing ~$5,000-$15,000 to EA nonprofits.
Last year’s giveaway (of 20,000 $50 gift cards, which followed a giveaway of 10,000 $100 gift cards that I missed) lasted ~9 hours.
My current 50% CI is that this year’s $2M giveaway will run out in ~2-10 hours.
I estimate EA participation typically took ~3-10 minutes per person.
Anyone reading this might as well sign up now to be notified via email when the giveaway begins if they’re interested in participating, but I’m skeptical it’s worth Forum readers’ time to create a frontpage post about this now. Doing so would mean taking up EAs’ time on two occasions: now to sign up and later to claim a gift card and donate it. Additionally, signing up to be notified of the giveaway now doesn’t guarantee that you get a $50 charity gift card—if you check your email infrequently, the 40,000 $50 gift cards may all be claimed by others before you see the notification email that the giveaway has begun. Though Ray Dalio (the main funder behind this) did mention in his newsletter that if the gift cards are all claimed quickly more may be given away:
“TisBest Redefine Gifting Giveaway” is an upcoming $2,000,000+ counterfactual free-money-for-charity opportunity with a limit of $50/person: https://www.tisbest.org/redefinegifting/
This giveaway happened last year as well: [Expired 2020] 20,000 Free $50 Charity Gift Cards.
I’d estimate that ~100-300 people participated last year on behalf of EA nonprofits, counterfactually directing ~$5,000-$15,000 to EA nonprofits.
Last year’s giveaway (of 20,000 $50 gift cards, which followed a giveaway of 10,000 $100 gift cards that I missed) lasted ~9 hours.
My current 50% CI is that this year’s $2M giveaway will run out in ~2-10 hours.
I estimate EA participation typically took ~3-10 minutes per person.
Anyone reading this might as well sign up now to be notified via email when the giveaway begins if they’re interested in participating, but I’m skeptical it’s worth Forum readers’ time to create a frontpage post about this now. Doing so would mean taking up EAs’ time on two occasions: now to sign up and later to claim a gift card and donate it. Additionally, signing up to be notified of the giveaway now doesn’t guarantee that you get a $50 charity gift card—if you check your email infrequently, the 40,000 $50 gift cards may all be claimed by others before you see the notification email that the giveaway has begun. Though Ray Dalio (the main funder behind this) did mention in his newsletter that if the gift cards are all claimed quickly more may be given away:
One-question poll for you: Is it worth EA Forum readers’ time to be told about this “free $50 charity gift card” opportunity now, later when it begins, or never?
Gift Cards are live now at https://www.tisbest.org/redefinegifting
Thanks, I made a post to try to increase visibility: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/68drEr2nfLhcJ3mTD/free-usd50-charity-gift-cards-takes-3-minutes-to-claim-one
(It’s still available after 3.5+ hours, hopefully will be for several more.)