I love the simplicity of the pledge: Sign it once and never again think about how much to donate. I used to think about that a lot, questioned a lot of consumption choices, but by taking the decision to donate 10% I felt like that question was “solved” and I could focus on other topics again. Additional points that convinced me to take the pledge: By starting early in your career you never notice the “lost” money and it also helps to prevent value drift in the future.
I love the simplicity of the pledge: Sign it once and never again think about how much to donate. I used to think about that a lot, questioned a lot of consumption choices, but by taking the decision to donate 10% I felt like that question was “solved” and I could focus on other topics again. Additional points that convinced me to take the pledge: By starting early in your career you never notice the “lost” money and it also helps to prevent value drift in the future.