Thanks for this great writeup, this seems like a topic that deserves more discussion.
“Coming into physical contact with grabby aliens within the next, say, 1000 years is very unlikely. The reason for this is that grabby aliens have existed, on average, for many millions of years, and thus, the only way we will encounter them physically any time soon is if we happened to right now be on the exact outer edge of their current sphere of colonization, which seems implausible.”
Or encounters with grabby aliens are so dangerous that they don’t leave any conscious survivors, in which case we would need to be careful about using the lack of encounters in our past as evidence about the likelihood or frequency in the future.
Thanks for this great writeup, this seems like a topic that deserves more discussion.
Or encounters with grabby aliens are so dangerous that they don’t leave any conscious survivors, in which case we would need to be careful about using the lack of encounters in our past as evidence about the likelihood or frequency in the future.