You say “I’d like to have a better understanding of the intuitions that lead people to seeing this as such a serious problem, and whether I’m missing something that might cause me to put more weight on these sorts of concerns” in which case I think my whole comment should be of relevance and I am confused by your pushback, unless of course you are only interested in the opinion of people who find RC repugnant in which case I apologise.
I am also interested in the intuitions of people who find the RC intuitively problematic, even if they ultimately feel it is less bad than the alternatives.
I’m not interested (here) in arguments about why people who do take serious issue with the RC are wrong, and I think spending significant time on those here is actively counterproductive to what I’m trying to achieve.
There’s an intermediate case of “asking people who report being bothered by the RC pointed questions” – this is good insofar as it comes from sincere curiosity and helps uncover more information about those intuitions, and bad insofar as it (deliberately or accidentally) makes those people feel attacked or forced to defend themselves. You’ve been responding to several other answers here in the latter kind of way, and I wish you’d stop.
OK it’s your thread and I will leave, despite only good intentions. I’m very surprised to have had this pushback. If anyone I have responded has felt attacked by me I apologise.
I am also interested in the intuitions of people who find the RC intuitively problematic, even if they ultimately feel it is less bad than the alternatives.
Below is the relevant text from my original comment. Feel free to ignore the rest of it.
Note that the vast majority of people on earth want to continue living. This would include the vast majority of people who live in extreme poverty or who are undergoing horrific abuse. It would also include people who constantly consider suicide to end their pain but never go through with it. In normal parlance we would say these people live “bad” lives. However, we might conclude that these people are living lives worth living if they don’t want their life to end / don’t choose to end their life. So my guess is people imagine “a life barely worth living” to be a pretty “bad” one. The actual wording of “a life barely worth living” is inherently negative in how it is framed anyway. So RC would amount to a load of people with pretty “bad” lives by intuitive standards, being better than a smaller number of people with absolutely amazing lives. Accepting RC would be like creating another Africa with all it’s poverty and hardship instead of creating another Norway with all it’s happiness. Or creating loads of people attending daily suicide support groups rather than a smaller number of people living the best lives we can imagine. Most people would find these repugnant things to do and I personally would feel the sting here.
You say “I’d like to have a better understanding of the intuitions that lead people to seeing this as such a serious problem, and whether I’m missing something that might cause me to put more weight on these sorts of concerns” in which case I think my whole comment should be of relevance and I am confused by your pushback, unless of course you are only interested in the opinion of people who find RC repugnant in which case I apologise.
I am also interested in the intuitions of people who find the RC intuitively problematic, even if they ultimately feel it is less bad than the alternatives.
I’m not interested (here) in arguments about why people who do take serious issue with the RC are wrong, and I think spending significant time on those here is actively counterproductive to what I’m trying to achieve.
There’s an intermediate case of “asking people who report being bothered by the RC pointed questions” – this is good insofar as it comes from sincere curiosity and helps uncover more information about those intuitions, and bad insofar as it (deliberately or accidentally) makes those people feel attacked or forced to defend themselves. You’ve been responding to several other answers here in the latter kind of way, and I wish you’d stop.
OK it’s your thread and I will leave, despite only good intentions. I’m very surprised to have had this pushback. If anyone I have responded has felt attacked by me I apologise.
Below is the relevant text from my original comment. Feel free to ignore the rest of it.
Yep, I appreciated this part! I also agree that intuitions about the set point seem key here.