I definitely agree that everyone, every family, has their own journey.
As I mentioned above:
Another example is how God sent an angel in the form of a financial planner out of nowhere. She volunteered numerous hours to help us navigate our transition from dual to single income because she knew of our desire to continue tithing despite our involvement in a nonprofit startup.
She has spent so many hours with us and continues to help (in fact, we have a call with her tonight).
Our financial picture and budget have been completely revamped to make this work.
There are things we have had to cut back on significantly. There are many things we would have said ‘yes’ to before that are now ‘no’ or ‘maybe.’
But, in the end, the magic number isn’t 10%.
What’s more important is the shift in mindset.
The heart.
The change from the norm in our consumer culture of spending every last dollar made on ourselves to giving instead, even if it’s just 1% or 0.5%.
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.
Thank you for your comment.
I definitely agree that everyone, every family, has their own journey.
As I mentioned above:
She has spent so many hours with us and continues to help (in fact, we have a call with her tonight).
Our financial picture and budget have been completely revamped to make this work.
There are things we have had to cut back on significantly. There are many things we would have said ‘yes’ to before that are now ‘no’ or ‘maybe.’
But, in the end, the magic number isn’t 10%.
What’s more important is the shift in mindset.
The heart.
The change from the norm in our consumer culture of spending every last dollar made on ourselves to giving instead, even if it’s just 1% or 0.5%.
- Vincent Van Gogh