Thanks for writing this up! I really like when people do concrete empirical surveys like this, it’s helpful to get a sense of how widely current tools are actually being used.
I’m curious if you have thoughts about what automation would actually speed you up? It sounds like maybe something like “current LLMs but without hallucination?”
Also, do you have a sense for how much investment has been made into AI tools in CEST? My impression is that deepmind really loves getting into nature/science but has very little interest in actually commercializing these tools, so it feels not that surprising to me that the thing which got into science didn’t actually get used.[1] It would update me if they tried very hard to commercialize it but failed.
Thanks for writing this up! I really like when people do concrete empirical surveys like this, it’s helpful to get a sense of how widely current tools are actually being used.
I’m curious if you have thoughts about what automation would actually speed you up? It sounds like maybe something like “current LLMs but without hallucination?”
Also, do you have a sense for how much investment has been made into AI tools in CEST? My impression is that deepmind really loves getting into nature/science but has very little interest in actually commercializing these tools, so it feels not that surprising to me that the thing which got into science didn’t actually get used.[1] It would update me if they tried very hard to commercialize it but failed.
I agree that this doesn’t speak well of the editorial process though