I’m surprised that this is the case because from what I’ve seen at EA meetups in both the Bay Area and Boston is that the majority of people seem to be software engineers. Is it because the software engineers who go to the Bay Area / Boston meetups may not have as much ML background? Is it because the software engineers in EA meetups don’t realize that this is a problem?
I’m surprised that this is the case because from what I’ve seen at EA meetups in both the Bay Area and Boston is that the majority of people seem to be software engineers. Is it because the software engineers who go to the Bay Area / Boston meetups may not have as much ML background? Is it because the software engineers in EA meetups don’t realize that this is a problem?
I think it’s a combination of
lack of awareness—which this post was aimed at solving
misalignment in skillset - not particularly ML, but numerical and distributed systems experience
our specifically looking for very, very good software engineers