I think this post makes some great points, thanks for sharing! :) And I think it’s especially helpful to hear from your perspective as someone who does grantmaking at OP.
I really appreciate the addition of concrete examples. In fact, I would love to hear more examples if you have time — since you do this kind of research as your job I’m sure you have valuable insights to share, and I expect that you can shift the donations of readers. I’d also be curious to hear where you personally donate, but no pressure, I totally understand if you’d prefer to keep that private.
Work in sub-areas that major funders have decided not to fund
I feel like this is an important point. Do you have any specific AI risk reduction sub-areas in mind?
Re: more examples, I co-sign all of my teammates’ AI examples here—they’re basically what I would’ve said. I’d probably add Tarbell as well.
Re: my personal donations, I’m saving for a bigger donation later; I encounter enough examples of very good stuff that Open Phil and other funders can’t fund, or can’t fund quickly enough, that I think there are good odds that I’ll be able to make a really impactful five-figure donation over the next few years. If I were giving this year, I probably would’ve gone the route of political campaigns/PACs.
Re: sub-areas, there are some forms of policy advocacy and moral patienthood research for which small-to-medium-size donors could be very helpful. I don’t have specific opportunities in mind that I feel like I can make a convincing public pitch for, but people can reach out if they’re interested.
I think this post makes some great points, thanks for sharing! :) And I think it’s especially helpful to hear from your perspective as someone who does grantmaking at OP.
I really appreciate the addition of concrete examples. In fact, I would love to hear more examples if you have time — since you do this kind of research as your job I’m sure you have valuable insights to share, and I expect that you can shift the donations of readers. I’d also be curious to hear where you personally donate, but no pressure, I totally understand if you’d prefer to keep that private.
I feel like this is an important point. Do you have any specific AI risk reduction sub-areas in mind?
Thanks, glad to hear it’s helpful!
Re: more examples, I co-sign all of my teammates’ AI examples here—they’re basically what I would’ve said. I’d probably add Tarbell as well.
Re: my personal donations, I’m saving for a bigger donation later; I encounter enough examples of very good stuff that Open Phil and other funders can’t fund, or can’t fund quickly enough, that I think there are good odds that I’ll be able to make a really impactful five-figure donation over the next few years. If I were giving this year, I probably would’ve gone the route of political campaigns/PACs.
Re: sub-areas, there are some forms of policy advocacy and moral patienthood research for which small-to-medium-size donors could be very helpful. I don’t have specific opportunities in mind that I feel like I can make a convincing public pitch for, but people can reach out if they’re interested.