“The A.I. revolution, he said, will come with a knotty question: “How do you make sure the society’s fair when the means of production have become means that only 1 percent of the population actually knows how to navigate?””
What a beautiful coincidence. I stumbled upon this article https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/17/style/alex-karp-palantir.html? from which I shared the above quote, just a couple hours I published this post. As for me, I was having this idea/thought since a while ago. But it had became more prominent a few weeks ago.
“The A.I. revolution, he said, will come with a knotty question: “How do you make sure the society’s fair when the means of production have become means that only 1 percent of the population actually knows how to navigate?””
What a beautiful coincidence. I stumbled upon this article https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/17/style/alex-karp-palantir.html? from which I shared the above quote, just a couple hours I published this post. As for me, I was having this idea/thought since a while ago. But it had became more prominent a few weeks ago.