Thank you for sharing your thougths & those concrete action items—I agree it would be nice to have a set of recommendations in an ideal world.
This post took at least 50 hours (collectively) to write, and was delayed in publishing by a few days due to busy schedules. I think if we had more time, I would have shared the final version with a small set of non-redwood beta reviewers for comments which would have caught things like this (and e.g. Nunos’ comment).
We plan to do this for future posts (if you’re reading this and would like to give comments on future posts, please DM us!).
We’ll consider adding an intervention section to future reports time permitting (we still think there is value in sharing our observations, as a lot of this information is not available to people without relevant networks.
(I may come back (again, time permitting) and respond to your point on Redwood having many problems to deal with at a later stage)
Hi Akash,
Thank you for sharing your thougths & those concrete action items—I agree it would be nice to have a set of recommendations in an ideal world.
This post took at least 50 hours (collectively) to write, and was delayed in publishing by a few days due to busy schedules. I think if we had more time, I would have shared the final version with a small set of non-redwood beta reviewers for comments which would have caught things like this (and e.g. Nunos’ comment).
We plan to do this for future posts (if you’re reading this and would like to give comments on future posts, please DM us!).
We’ll consider adding an intervention section to future reports time permitting (we still think there is value in sharing our observations, as a lot of this information is not available to people without relevant networks.
(I may come back (again, time permitting) and respond to your point on Redwood having many problems to deal with at a later stage)