Beef cattle are not that carbon-intensive. If you’re concerned about the climate, the main problem with cattle is their methane emissions.
If you eat them, your emissions, combined with other people’s emissions, are going to cause a huge amount of both human and non-human suffering.
If I eat beef, my emissions combined with other people’s emissions does some amount of harm. If I don’t eat beef, other people’s emissions do approximately the same amount of harm as there would have been if I had eaten it. The marginal harm from my food-based carbon emissions are really small compared to the marginal harm from my food-based contribution to animal suffering.
Beef cattle are not that carbon-intensive. If you’re concerned about the climate, the main problem with cattle is their methane emissions.
If I eat beef, my emissions combined with other people’s emissions does some amount of harm. If I don’t eat beef, other people’s emissions do approximately the same amount of harm as there would have been if I had eaten it. The marginal harm from my food-based carbon emissions are really small compared to the marginal harm from my food-based contribution to animal suffering.