Not a downvoter, but the post is really unclear to me, doesn’t seem to have a coherent point, and doesn’t justify claims. Also, it doesn’t seem relevant to effective altruism, which has <50% overlap with the rationality community.
There are good criticisms of EA, including good criticisms of the form “EA should be more welcoming”, but they’re way more developed and coherent.
The EAF is using LessWrong 2.0 forum architecture, which shapes its’ culture tremendously. In particular, there’s a general expectation that good criticism has to be longwinded.
That said, this is a very helpful summary of what locals think is going on. Thank you!
Not a downvoter, but the post is really unclear to me, doesn’t seem to have a coherent point, and doesn’t justify claims. Also, it doesn’t seem relevant to effective altruism, which has <50% overlap with the rationality community.
There are good criticisms of EA, including good criticisms of the form “EA should be more welcoming”, but they’re way more developed and coherent.
The EAF is using LessWrong 2.0 forum architecture, which shapes its’ culture tremendously. In particular, there’s a general expectation that good criticism has to be longwinded.
That said, this is a very helpful summary of what locals think is going on. Thank you!