I’m interested in why climate change isn’t called out as topic in the chart above—is it merged into ‘other longtermist’ or ‘other near term’ in the charts above? In the 2019 survey, it was the second highest priority (and the fastest growing one), and I understand that 80K has updated (also explicitly here) to seeing it as part of the longtermist portfolio.
I’m interested in why climate change isn’t called out as topic in the chart above—is it merged into ‘other longtermist’ or ‘other near term’ in the charts above? In the 2019 survey, it was the second highest priority (and the fastest growing one), and I understand that 80K has updated (also explicitly here) to seeing it as part of the longtermist portfolio.
Yes, unfortunately the leaders forum survey didn’t ask about it as its own category, so it’s merged into the others you mention.