The Giving Game Project’s 2017 Annual Report

The Giving Game Project has published a report discussing its philanthropy education work, the evidence base surrounding that work, and its plans for the future. The full report is available here; the Executive Summary is below.


Since the Giving Game Project’s last detailed update in mid-2016, we’ve provided philanthropy education to over 4,000 people around the world through our flagship workshops. This report provides an update on what we’ve done and learned over that period. The discussion will center around three important and complementary priorities. These issues have been, and

will continue to be, our main areas of focus, as they are directly related to our biggest opportunities and challenges.

Developing a sustainable funding base to enable future growth. While we have a long way to go, we’ve added major new donors and made progress in promoting self-funded GG. To help supporters understand our thinking and plans, we’ve also articulated important parts of the project, including our long-term vision. Learn more.

Systemizing how we follow up with players after a GG. We’ve overhauled our post-game follow-up process (though we still have lots of room for improvement) . We’re soliciting more players than ever to join relevant mailing lists, e.g. for The Life You Can Save and for other organizations that promote effective giving (including the charities that players voted for during their GG). About 34% of all respondents opt into joining TLYCS’s mailing list; 54% join at least one mailing list. This is powerful evidence that we can leverage GG into ongoing effective communication with participants. Learn more.

Building the evidence base around GG. The postgame survey data we’re collecting is so far

indicating that GG participants generally have a highly positive view of the experience. Similarly, we continue to collect very good qualitative and quantitative feedback from facilitators. In 2018,

we’ll be partnering with academics to do more experimentation around GG and further develop

the evidence base. Learn more.

The progress we’ve already made improving in our post-game follow- up and strengthening the evidence around our work, combined with the continued enthusiasm participants and facilitators show for the GG model, illustrates the enormous benefits we can realize by bringing it to scale. We’re more confident than ever that our ambitious long-term goal of reshaping the way the world learns about and practices giving is in fact feasible. However, our lack of adequate funding severely dampens our growth. The Giving Game Project has limited funding and less than one full time employee; this lean structure has curtailed our growth and will continue to

do so until we’re able to devote proper resources to the project.

We’re incredibly thankful to the supporters who have allowed us to spread the message about

effective giving so far, and gratefully welcome new supporters who can help us continue and

expand this work.

The remainder of this report provides more detail on what we have done in each of our three

main priorities, and what we plan to do in those areas going forward.

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