I was indeed simplifying, and e.g. probably should have said “global catastrophe” instead of “human extinction” to cover cases like permanent totalitarian regimes. I think some of the scenarios you mention could happen, but also think a bunch of them are pretty unlikely, and also disagree with your conclusion that “The bulk of the probability lies somewhere in the middle”. I might be up for discussing more specifics, but also I don’t get the sense that disagreement here is a crux for either of us, so I’m also not sure how much value there would be in continuing down this thread.
I was indeed simplifying, and e.g. probably should have said “global catastrophe” instead of “human extinction” to cover cases like permanent totalitarian regimes. I think some of the scenarios you mention could happen, but also think a bunch of them are pretty unlikely, and also disagree with your conclusion that “The bulk of the probability lies somewhere in the middle”. I might be up for discussing more specifics, but also I don’t get the sense that disagreement here is a crux for either of us, so I’m also not sure how much value there would be in continuing down this thread.