Thanks for the writeup! I haven’t read either of your stories yet (there are far too many these days for me to keep up with alongside writing my own) but I’m wondering if you participate in the /r/rational subreddit or discord community at all? A sense of community and people to talk to about the story/get more engaged feedback on questions/struggles etc you have might be helpful (sorry if this seems basic, I don’t recognize your username or the story names from there but I may have missed them).
Thanks for the writeup! I haven’t read either of your stories yet (there are far too many these days for me to keep up with alongside writing my own) but I’m wondering if you participate in the /r/rational subreddit or discord community at all? A sense of community and people to talk to about the story/get more engaged feedback on questions/struggles etc you have might be helpful (sorry if this seems basic, I don’t recognize your username or the story names from there but I may have missed them).