Thanks for the note, Bruce. Your estimate makes sense. Based on GiveWell’s implicit valuation of saving a life of 51 DALY/life[1], and my 0.0288 DALYs averted per shrimp helped, helping 1.77 k (= 51⁄0.0288) shrimp is as good as saving a life.
According to OP, “GiveWell uses moral weights for child deaths that would be consistent with assuming 51 years of foregone life in the DALY framework (though that is not how they reach the conclusion)”.
Thanks for the note, Bruce. Your estimate makes sense. Based on GiveWell’s implicit valuation of saving a life of 51 DALY/life[1], and my 0.0288 DALYs averted per shrimp helped, helping 1.77 k (= 51⁄0.0288) shrimp is as good as saving a life.
According to OP, “GiveWell uses moral weights for child deaths that would be consistent with assuming 51 years of foregone life in the DALY framework (though that is not how they reach the conclusion)”.