To be transparent: This is an attempt to get you excited about helping with this project. Some propositions below, especially at the far bottom, sound too good to be true to me. Send me your pushback if you think anything below is false.
Imagine the future in which EA memes do the maximum amount of good possible. In this future, world leaders champion policies that will do the most good; millions take the Giving What We Can Pledge; and startup incubators are filled with companies like Lincoln Quirk’s Wave instead of apps to send cat photos. Now think about how far we are from that future.
I’m willing to bet that It is within our power to bring that future about. But at least two things need to happen first:
Many people need to become favorably aware of EA.
Many people need to be given options to pursue EA opportunities.
But how?
For both of these things to happen, we need to find the groups who would be most likely to get excited about EA and then put the movement on their radar. Thus, I propose we build an epic list of every relevant group at every top university and in the world in general.
EA Global provides some urgency to finish this task soon: marketing the event is an excuse to put up the EA Bat Signal for all of these groups and to get many of them involved. However, this list will also act as a communications backbone for an enormous amount of future projects.
I’m not going to lie to you: building this list will be an arduous, tedious task. You will be researching groups on the Internet and then copy-pasting info on them into a Google Sheet.
But once built, EA will have an incredibly effective communications platform. If you’re not yet convinced this is one of the most important things you could be doing right now, see page two. If you are convinced and have the grit for this, email me ASAP. (We’d need to get going in the next couple days.)
Your impact
Based on my own time-tracking, it took me a day to add 50 groups to the megalist. Suppose that, thanks to a day’s work by you, we’re able to let 50 mailing lists (containing 1000s of people) know about EA Global. Then we screen a bunch of these people for potential EA-ness and then admit them to EA Global. Out of this bunch, let’s say that we get only 1 new EA who becomes a Giving What We Can pledger—a measly conversion rate of less than 0.1%. (Note: I made this conversion rate up as one that could feasibly be far below the conversion rate we might actually get to avoid overselling the project. A less than 0.1% conversion rate would be terrible for most companies.)
Today I emailed Giving What We Can’s Michelle Hutchinson for the latest approximation of what adding an average new pledger is worth. Her reply was about $68,000. About how much good does $68,000 yield? (The numbers below are estimates from The Life You Can Save’s Impact Calculator, and are not to be taken too literally.)
20 lives saved from malaria by AMF
261,538 people provided with micronutrient fortification for one year by PHC
680,000 children dewormed by DtW (more people than the population of Boston)
This is more bang for your buck than most EAs can hope for doing an entire year of earn-to-give. Imagine yourself remembering the day you saved 20 lives. And this is just the short-run outcome. We expect to use the communications list for many future projects.
How to save more lives today than in a year of earn-to-give
The Communications
Backbone Project
To be transparent: This is an attempt to get you excited about helping with this project. Some propositions below, especially at the far bottom, sound too good to be true to me. Send me your pushback if you think anything below is false.Contact if you’re up for volunteering.
Imagine the future in which EA memes do the maximum amount of good possible. In this future, world leaders champion policies that will do the most good; millions take the Giving What We Can Pledge; and startup incubators are filled with companies like Lincoln Quirk’s Wave instead of apps to send cat photos. Now think about how far we are from that future.
I’m willing to bet that It is within our power to bring that future about. But at least two things need to happen first:
Many people need to become favorably aware of EA.
Many people need to be given options to pursue EA opportunities.
But how?
For both of these things to happen, we need to find the groups who would be most likely to get excited about EA and then put the movement on their radar. Thus, I propose we build an epic list of every relevant group at every top university and in the world in general.
EA Global provides some urgency to finish this task soon: marketing the event is an excuse to put up the EA Bat Signal for all of these groups and to get many of them involved. However, this list will also act as a communications backbone for an enormous amount of future projects.
I’m not going to lie to you: building this list will be an arduous, tedious task. You will be researching groups on the Internet and then copy-pasting info on them into a Google Sheet.
But once built, EA will have an incredibly effective communications platform. If you’re not yet convinced this is one of the most important things you could be doing right now, see page two. If you are convinced and have the grit for this, email me ASAP. (We’d need to get going in the next couple days.)
Your impact
Based on my own time-tracking, it took me a day to add 50 groups to the megalist. Suppose that, thanks to a day’s work by you, we’re able to let 50 mailing lists (containing 1000s of people) know about EA Global. Then we screen a bunch of these people for potential EA-ness and then admit them to EA Global. Out of this bunch, let’s say that we get only 1 new EA who becomes a Giving What We Can pledger—a measly conversion rate of less than 0.1%. (Note: I made this conversion rate up as one that could feasibly be far below the conversion rate we might actually get to avoid overselling the project. A less than 0.1% conversion rate would be terrible for most companies.)
Today I emailed Giving What We Can’s Michelle Hutchinson for the latest approximation of what adding an average new pledger is worth. Her reply was about $68,000. About how much good does $68,000 yield? (The numbers below are estimates from The Life You Can Save’s Impact Calculator, and are not to be taken too literally.)
20 lives saved from malaria by AMF
261,538 people provided with micronutrient fortification for one year by PHC
680,000 children dewormed by DtW (more people than the population of Boston)
This is more bang for your buck than most EAs can hope for doing an entire year of earn-to-give. Imagine yourself remembering the day you saved 20 lives. And this is just the short-run outcome. We expect to use the communications list for many future projects.
Again, here’s my email if you want to help: