This was really interesting to read—thank you for sharing! I think it’s really exciting you managed to get research studies off the ground & govt buy-in in such a short time.
Definitely made me rethink my priors in terms of how long that should take.
I’m also wondering why the likes of UNICEF/BMGF hadn’t funded a $4000 research study and I suspect the answer is just stupid big organization bureaucracy/competing priorities- whereas your organization can just get it done.
Interested to hear how you get on with standards enforcement, which sounds challenging.
This was really interesting to read—thank you for sharing! I think it’s really exciting you managed to get research studies off the ground & govt buy-in in such a short time.
Definitely made me rethink my priors in terms of how long that should take.
I’m also wondering why the likes of UNICEF/BMGF hadn’t funded a $4000 research study and I suspect the answer is just stupid big organization bureaucracy/competing priorities- whereas your organization can just get it done.
Interested to hear how you get on with standards enforcement, which sounds challenging.